Sunday, August 31, 2014

Birkenstocks, Nails, and DIY Wart Removal aka More Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

(Whoa. That sure is a long title.)

So here are my feet today. Rocking the Birks, with my Ol' Faithful hemp anklet along for the ride. This anklet has seriously been a trouper. I made it at the beginning of the summer and literally haven't taken it off. I wear it in the shower, ocean, pool, everywhere. I'll do a tutorial later on the many different ways you can make hemp bracelets. But you say, this is a gross picture, there is a cut on your leg, I can't see your toe nail polish AND there is a bandaid on your ankle! Why is it there?! Well, gross as it is, I have a wart on my ankle. Had it there for awhile and no amount of wart chemicals could make a dent in it. But then I was introduced to Apple Cider Vinegar, and this stuff is seriously magic. I already got rid of a wart on my thumb with this stuff. Plus don't you feel so much better taking care of your body with all natural ACV than a bunch of weird chemicals? Yeah, me too.

This is the kind that I have. Make sure you get unfiltered, it has "The Mother" in it. Sounds like an alien pod collective intelligence right? But I promise it's not, you will be fine, you will not be part of the collective fellow earthling. Hah. Ha ha. This is a joke yes human?


You will need a box of Band-Aids, paper towels, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and about a week or so.

1. Fold a bit of paper towel/tissue into a tiny square the size of the wart.
2. Soak the square in ACV
3. Apply to wart
4. Change bandage daily
5. Wait.

It will start to tingle after a few days. This is good! Tingling, black spots and a scab means that the wart is dying. Just keep at it and it should be gone soon!

Here's a picture of my newly painted toenails. I am super super bad at keeping my nails nice and shiny. They were looking so rough yesterday that a guy friend of mine (and you know how bad guys are at noticing stuff!) commented that my feet were looking rough. Point taken Jeff, point taken. So I whipped out my yellow (Revlon Sunlit Grass) and now my feet don't cause women and children to run screaming. Pay no attention to the chunk of flesh that is currently missing from my toe. I really don't know how I manage to do these things.

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. do your feet get sore if you walk all day in birkenstocks?
